What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a gentle effective form of holistic healing addressing:

  • Emotional, mental and physical levels of the body
  • Physical/ emotional symptoms
  • The cause/ trigger of these symptoms, for example some past trauma/ grief
  • Some inherited pre-disposition to these symptoms
  • Detoxing the body when necessary
  • Any possible emotional/ physical maintaining cause issues preventing improvement

The Remedies consist of white tablets, pills, granules or liquid drops of highly diluted substances made from natural ingredients. This means that there are no side effects or toxins.It is simply the memory of the characteristics of the original substance that trigger the body's energy to stimulate healing and re-balance.

How can it help me?

As homeopathy considers each person as an individual, people take homeopathy for many physical and emotional issues including those for which they may visit a GP or for those that cannot be helped by the NHS. Individual assessments are available to explore whether Homeopathy would help your case.

Please call for a free of charge initial chat to understand what is involved and whether homeopathy may help.